Simris Alg invites to annual general meeting

Simris Alg shareholders are invited to attend the annual general meeting on May 11th. See invitation below for further information (in Swedish). Last day to register is May 5th.
Simris Alg shareholders are invited to attend the annual general meeting on May 11th. See invitation below for further information (in Swedish). Last day to register is May 5th.
Photo: Ystads Allehanda
Simris Alg has raised 26.5 million Swedish Kronor in this fall’s rights issue, rendering it able to fully finance the expansion of its algae farm. We are particularly delighted to announce that animal’s rights organization Djurens Rätt has stepped in as one of our new major partners. Our products enable a wider audience to consume plant-based,
Press release in Swedish:
Efter en lyckad lansering av bolagets första produkter tar pionjärföretaget Simris Alg AB nu steget att bygga ut sin banbrytande algodling. Som ett led inför expansionen har Simris Alg valt ny bolagsstyrelse, med Anders Laurin som styrelsens nya ordförande. Bland nya ledamöter i styrelsen märks även Cecilia Jinert Johansson samt bolagets grundare och VD Fredrika Gullfot.
Den nya styrelsen har som uppgift att leda Simris Alg i företagets nästa fas mot tillväxt och lönsamhet.
We are proud that for the second year in a row we have been selected for the 33-list – the list of Sweden’s hottest new tech companies, compiled by magazines Ny Teknik and Affärlsvärlden. The honour was presented during an event in Stockholm last Tuesday, with the participation of Industry and Innovation Minister, Mikael Damberg. Needless to say we treated everyone to algae crisps during the mingle!
Paving the way for its upcoming market launch, the pioneering company Simris Alg has elected a new board. Among the new board members are Ebba Fåhraeus and Jan Johansson. Former board member and partner Björn Munkeby is now Chairman of the Board.
The news is out — we have produced our first commercial batch of algae oil! The Algae Industry Magazine wrote a nice piece on the subject: Simris produces first algae oil from Sweden
(Full press release and media coverage is found in our Swedish news section)
Simris Alg is participating in a big Swedish R&D project regarding algae cultivation at pulp and paper mills. The project is financed by Sweden’s Innovation Agency VINNOVA. The goal of the project is to develop a process which will generate large environmental benefits and new business opportunities for the mills. The algae can utilise the nutrients found in the mills’ waste waters and can absorb carbon dioxide from the flue gases.